Instagram for business owners

How to stay consistent with social media for your small business

by Michaela fong

Instagram for business owners

How to stay consistent with social media for your small business

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How to stay consitent with social media for your small business - Small Biz Babes Community Podcast


Are you having trouble remembering to post on social media or feeling totally overwhelmed by all of its demands? Trust me, you’re not the only one. 

Back in the early days of my business, staying consistent with social media was a real struggle for me. And I’ll be honest, I even hated social media at times! Between scrambling to capture shots, record reels in my busy schedule, figuring out what to say in captions, and trying to post as much as I could, on top of running my actual business — it all felt way too time-consuming and overwhelming. 

Over time, I managed to create a systems that has kept me consistent for over 3 years now. (Except for one 3-week detox break I took this year on social media personally and for work). This system has adapted to different stages of my business, allowing me to post anywhere from 3 times per week to 3 times per day.

So, today I want to share with you 5 tips that have transformed my social media game and have made staying consistent easier and more enjoyable! 

Before we jump into the tips, let’s clarify something so we’re both on the same page: being consistent doesn’t mean you have to post every day of the week. It’s about choosing a posting schedule that aligns with your availability and sticking to it. Same time, same place, every week. Now, let’s move on to tip #1: 

01 – Create a posting schedule and posting calendar

Without a posting calendar or schedule, chances are you’ll either end up forgetting to post or posting at the last minute. We all have busy schedules, right? So if you don’t plan social media in your calendar, like you would any other important task in your business or personal life, it either won’t happen or you’ll end up in a rush posting something — like in the car on your way to dinner. (Hello, I’ve been there!)

And let’s be honest, last-minute posts often aren’t our best work. It takes a toll on the quality of our content, not to mention they leave us feeling frustrated and stressed. 

I had a negative relationship with social media in the early days of my business because I never planned for it. It was always on my to-do list, but I never seemed to have the time or motivation to tackle it. It felt overwhelming, and I dreaded the whole process of creating content.

Once I created and planned a solid posting schedule, I could finally stay consistent on social media without scrambling at the last minute. 

To create your posting schedule, the first thing you should do is…

01 – Decide on the days you’ll be posting long term

Don’t just think about this week or this month. Really think long-term about what you can realistically commit to. When I used to work as a fitness coach, I used to tell clients, “If you do too much too soon, you’re going to quit.” And it’s true. Working out is habit-building. So is posting on social media. Start small and add more later.

Let’s say you’ve looked at your current schedule and find you can only commit to posting twice a week. Great! That means you only need to create 8 posts for the entire month. With a posting schedule and plan in place, creating those posts can be easy and manageable.

02 – Write down the specific days and times you can commit to posting 

Okay, so you’ve committed to posting twice a week (as an example). Now, take a look at your weekly schedule and find the specific days and times that work for you.

For instance, when I first started my business, I could only manage to post in the evening right after dinner. So my initial posting schedule was 3 posts per week around 7:30 PM, specifically on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. As I got comfortable and consistent, I gradually added more days. 

The key is to start with what works for you and build upon it as you go.

02 – Have a photoshoot or content recording day/afternoon — and make it fun!

You’re probably thinking, “I don’t have time to spend an entire day or afternoon creating content!” How do I know? Because I also used to think that. I struggled to find time for content creation because I didn’t prioritize it, and hadn’t realized how much more I could accomplish by batching my work.

I was always amazed at the Instagram accounts and businesses I admired, and how they consistently posted so much incredible content that looked so good. But soon, I discovered that behind the scenes, they were all just planning and pre-recording their content. No one has the time to take pictures and videos every single day! 

So, scheduling an afternoon to take photos and record videos has changed my approach to content creation altogether. It drastically improves the quality of your content and allows you to be creative, relaxed, and enjoy the process.

Plus, planning ahead gives you the space to play around with different angles, outfits, looks, props, and save all that content in your camera album to use for later. 

At first, I’d set aside a few hours every other week for content creation. Then I moved to dedicating an entire day to creating content for the whole month. Now, I’ve settled into a weekly content recording routine, but you can totally adjust your content recording day to what suits you best.

03 – Save and organize photos/videos on your photo album based on content pillars 

A content library gives you easy access to photos and videos for you to reuse and create content faster. 

Get creative during your content recording days! Start by recording multiple video clips of yourself working from different angles. Next, try out some video transitions where you stand and move to different areas of your workspace. Or you can showcase different video clips of ways to interact with your products (opening it, holding it in your hands, placing it on a table, etc.). You can even take some video clips of yourself wearing different outfits “air-pointing” at something up or down. These specific clips are perfect for when you want to use them later on to create a reel, so it looks like your “pointing” at a text bubble you’ve edited in instead.

Record various video clips from different angles while working.
Also, don’t forget to record 5-7 second long clips of your styled products, packaging, and any other aspects of your work day.

Once you have all your clips recorded, you can organize them like a pro, putting each video or photo in its corresponding category. This way, have a diverse range of shots to choose from as you edit content, and creating posts becomes a breeze! 

04 – Record time lapses of you working 

Time lapses of you working give you what I call “filler video clips”, which you can reuse in your content for months and even years. 

All you need is a tripod and the perfect angle to record yourself working. That’s it! It only takes a few minutes to set up and you can experiment with a few options to find what you prefer And because it’s a time lapse, it won’t take up a lot of space on your camera.

In case you need some tripod recommendations, here’s a link to all my tripod setups, just like the ones you might have seen in my Instagram videos. 

Once you start recording these time lapses of yourself, you’ll have an entire library of content you can pull out at any time. Whether it’s for sharing your story or sharing a behind-the-scenes glimpse of your business, these clips will come in handy over and over again.

Pay close enough attention on my Instagram and you can see how I’ve been able to showcase the evolution of my business — all because I began filming time lapse clips of me years ago.

So start building those time lapse clips of you in action. Your future self will thank you for it! 

05 – Heal your relationship with social media 

This was a big one for me. Early on in business, I used to feel so unmotivated when my posts didn’t get many views, likes, or engagement. It was hard to detach the results of my social media from my own self-worth.

My negative mindset changed when I realized I’m not creating content for the approval of others or for the need to be liked. I’m creating content to achieve goals in my business.

Instead of getting discouraged, I embraced the challenge and focused on improving my skills. Once you separate yourself from your content’s results, you stop being bothered by them. And you don’t see poor results as negative feedback on your own work.

Now, I’m not saying to ignore your numbers and metrics altogether. I’m saying to use your numbers as learning tools, showing you how to make your content even better. And when you start to shift your focus to making progress, you begin to feel so much gratification when your content and results improve. 

Don’t give up too soon or get discouraged. Embrace content creation as a journey, focus on your growth, and watch your content get better each day. 

If you want to stay consistent with social media…

First, create a posting schedule and put it in your calendar. Try to be realistic. Don’t try to do too much too soon. Start small, add more later. Also, plan out dedicated content recording days where you can take photos and videos in advance, so you don’t have to record content on the go. Next up, build your content library based on your content pillars. Having a well-stocked library gives you plenty of videos and photos for future posts. 

Don’t forget to record time lapses of your workdays! They’re easy to set up and because it’s all moving so fast, you can even choose to not wear makeup if you’d like. And finally, heal your relationship with social media. Don’t get caught up in the likes and comments. Focus on progress and reaching your business goals. 

If you’re struggling to stay consistent on social media, tune in and learn more in today’s podcast episode here 🎧.

Until next time, 


Disclosure: Some of the links in this blog post are affiliate links, which means I may earn a small commission if you purchase through the link I shared (at no additional cost to you). This helps me to continue creating this podcast and share more valuable resources with you.

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